Nampa Teen Council & Caldwell Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council: Sticker Shock Campaign

During the month of November, the Idaho Office of Drug Policy, the Idaho State Liquor Division, the Canyon County Drug Free Coalition, and Southwest District Health partnered up to hold Stickering events with the Nampa Teen Council, and the Caldwell Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council. Local law enforcement attended the events to present on underage drinking, and to answer questions from youth and other attendees. Mayor Debbie Kling, Mayor Garret Nancolas, representation from Community Coalitions of Idaho, and various community members were present to connect with youth and help sticker. Over 5,000 bags were stickered between the two events, which will be distributed to the liquor stores in Caldwell and Nampa. Youth asked thoughtful, provoking questions, and helped raise awareness about the risks associated with adults providing alcohol to minors, and the risks of underage drinking. The bags will be distributed in local liquor stores starting November 26th, and will be available until they run out.

In addition to stickered bags being available in liquor stores, three local coffee shops are helping spread awareness about this important campaign. The Human Bean locations in Caldwell and Nampa, the Flying M of Nampa, and Espresso-ly Yours will be using Be the Parents coffee sleeves and stickers starting November 26th until supplies run out. Together, youth and these community members are raising awareness, and supporting a safe holiday season for all in Canyon County!  


Tara Woodward, MPH | Program Planning and Development Specialist | Southwest District Health Caldwell,  ID 83607