Introducing our new blog: Parent’s Corner with Michal Lloyd
Michal Lloyd is the Management Assistant for the Idaho Office of Drug Policy (ODP). She believes that Idaho is only as strong and compassionate as the families who live here and aims to help ODP and Be the Parents provide resources to help improve the lives of people in our communities.
Parent’s Corner: September 2021
DINNER UGH… LETTING GO OF PERFECTION AND JUST GETTING ‘ER DONE In one of my favorite books, Love in the Time of Cholera, the main character pushes his plate away and says incredulously: “This meal has been prepared without love.” It is true sometimes we miss the secret ingredient most needed when creating a meal. […]
Parents Corner: August 2021
ODP wants to acknowledge, support, and celebrate parents, mentors, teachers, and coaches. You are the real change-makers. The work of a parent can feel endless, and 2020 drove home that point. Our fast-paced world exposes children to new hazards that are hard to track. Technological advances move fast and open our kids to unknown risks […]