ODP Blog
Idaho Family Dinner Night 2020
During the Idaho Family Dinner Night 2020 campaign, ODP and our prevention partners distributed over 15,000 Idaho Family Dinner Recipe Guides to families across the state.
Due to COVID-19, distributing the Recipe Guides was a bit more challenging this year. To get the Guides to Idaho families, ODP and our prevention partners utilized a number of distribution channels.
- Over 2,000 Recipe Guides were distributed through the Idaho Foodbank Backpack Program
- Over 5,000 Recipe Guides were handed our by ODP staff and prevention partners while volunteering to help distribute food at Farmers to Families Food Box Program events, part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
- Nearly 4,000 Recipe Guides were distributed to families at over 80 Head Start and Early Head Start Centers across the State
- All remaining Guides were distributed throughout communities by prevention partners, local organizations, and coalitions.
ODP is incredibly grateful for the Idaho Foodbank and all of our partners that disseminated the Recipe Guides across the state and helped us encourage parents and families to share a meal and connect with each other about things that matter. Check out photos of families celebrating Idaho Family Dinner Night below!
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Success!
The 19th annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day that took place on October 24, 2020 was a huge success!
Overall, there were 42 Take Back Day collection sites organized across Idaho, with 39 Law Enforcement (LE) agencies participating, and a total of 10,526 pounds of medication collected – a nearly 4,000-pound increase from the total weight of medication collected during the previous Take Back Day in April 2019.
Given COVID-19, a cold, windy, wild weather weekend, and two locations being canceled due to LE being short-staffed, this was an exceptional accomplishment for our state.
ODP is incredibly proud of our LE agencies and prevention partners for organizing collection sites across Idaho and providing communities with the opportunity to properly dispose of unused or expired medication. Furthermore, we are appreciative of all of the Idahoans that took the time to clean out their medicine cabinets and drop off their old prescriptions at Take Back Day events. Together, we can help keep our communities safe from prescription drug misuse.
Check out some photos from Take Back Day events below!